The Engineering Education Survey

One of the goals of the Indigenous Black Engineering Technology (IBET) PhD Project is improving the engineering undergraduate student experience in Canada, and create more equitable access to engineering career pathways for engineering graduates.

D’Andre Wilson-Ihejirika and the IBET PhD program are conducting research looking at the impact of engineering undergraduate student experience on career pathways for engineering graduates.

If you completed an engineering undergraduate degree at an accredited institution in Canada at least 5 years ago (2017 or earlier), your input would be of value to their research.

It takes 15 minutes to fill out their survey. Participation is entirely voluntary, of course, and your responses will be kept confidential.


With your feedback and that of your fellow alumni, the IBET PhD program will be able to get a better understanding of the career pathways of engineering graduates and create a more inclusive engineering undergraduate experience in Canada.

The survey closes on March 31st, 2023. Summary findings of the study will be made available upon completion of the research.

This research study has undergone ethics review at the University of Toronto.

For any question, please contact D’Andre Wilson-Ihejirika at



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