The Black Engineers Experience Survey


BEC is pleased to announce the first survey to gather information on the experience of Black engineering graduates in Canada!

Survey Instructions

The survey may take between 30-60 minutes. Please allot the time necessary to complete the survey thoroughly. After starting the survey you may exit the survey and it will save your results so you may come back later to finish it. Everyone taking the survey will be entered into a draw to win a prize.


To be eligible you must:

  • Be a BEC member

  • Identify as being of African descent

  • Have at least one of the following apply to you: a student of engineering, an engineer, employed as an engineer, employed in the engineering field or an engineering graduate.

Please DO NOT TAKE THE SURVEY if you are NOT ELIGIBLE. If you have any questions or concerns contact


After completing the survey the participant will be automatically entered into a random draw to win a $75 gift card. Two winners will be announced each week for one month.

The Spotlight Series

During the duration of the survey BEC will be releasing personal backstories from people within the community about their experience of being a Black Engineer in Canada. This is meant to further promote unity and emphasize that no one is alone in their struggle of being a Black Engineer in Canada. It will highlight the importance that this survey has on shaping the future of Black Engineers in Canada. At the end of the survey we will be hosting a live panel event where BEC executives and members will be sharing their story and there will be a Q&A at the end.

Thank you Engineers Canada for sponsoring this survey