AGM 2024

This year’s AGM will be held on August 24, 2024!


Time: 12:00pm -1:00pm EST.

Registration: The AGM will be held through a hybrid format. Participants can join online or in person. Registering for the AGM automatically registers participants for the following fireside chat. The in person location is 210-2030 Bristol Circle, Oakville, ON.

Register to attend online through zoom: Online Registration

Register to attend in person: In-Person Registration

*Maximum 25 participants for in person attendance

*Lunch is served at 11:30am for in person attendance

Fireside Chat Details

Following the AGM there will be a Fireside Chat on the topic of AI, Sustainability and The Future of Engineering. The Fireside Chat will be held through the same format as the AGM. Participants can attend either in person or online. Registration automatically signs up a participant for the AGM and fireside chat.

Time: 1:05pm-2:30pm

Speakers: BEC is excited to have three people joining us for the Fireside Chat. This includes Comfort Fadugba, moderator (bio link), Cherizar Walker (bio link), and Modeste (Mo) Mushier, P.Eng (bio link).

BEC is excited for the upcoming 2024 AGM!!


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