The Black Engineers Experience Survey

This is the first of its kind data ever collected in Canada.

BEC is pleased to announce the first ever survey for Black Engineers in Canada is now released!!

Please visit our survey mainpage and check out the backstory, spotlight series and more.

Click Here to be redirected to the survey homepage

Eligibility *Important*

To be eligible you must identify as being of African descent and have at least one of the following apply to you: a student of engineering, an engineer, employed as an engineer, employed in the engineering field, an engineering graduate.

Survey Instructions

The survey may take between 30-60 minutes so please allot the time necessary to complete the survey thoroughly. After starting the survey you may exit the survey and it will save your results so you can come back later to finish it. Everyone taking the survey will be entered into a draw to win prizes!

*IMPORTANT: Please note that some users have encountered difficulties completing this survey using Microsoft Edge. For a smoother experience, we recommend using Google Chrome or Safari.

Link to Survey

Click here to be redirected to the survey


AGM 2024


Engineering Pathways: From Technical Expertise to Innovative Solutions