BEC Board Member Openings

Apply Today!!

These positions will start on October 1, 2024 for a one-to-three-year commitment.


1. Participate in regular meetings of the Board of Directors.

2. Lead and engaging with a committee or working group of volunteers that aligns with your experience and expertise.

3. Provide input to the development of strategies and policies of BEC.

4. Support operational activities as may be required.

5. Assess, review, and advise on risk.

6. Champion the organization’s interests and advocates on behalf of the organization and its members.

7. Represent the organization when required for growth and efficiency.

8. Collaborate with other members of the Board as a team.

Time Commitment

Minimum 5 hours monthly excluding preparation.

Attends monthly Board meetings.

Participates in Annual General Meeting of Members.


1. Understand and appreciates the need for equity for socio-economic


2. Governance, project / program management, membership administration and / or fundraising experience.

3. Experience in board or applicable leadership roles.

4. Experience working for a non-for-profit organization, favourably a startup.

5. Resides in any province within Canada and can participate in virtual events.

Deadline and How to Apply

The application deadline is June 30th, 2024.

To apply, send a letter of expression of interest with your resume and personal profile by email to with the subject line titled, “Board of DirectorsJob Posting – 2024 Opening”.

More Information

Click the link below to see the job description and board openings:

BEC Board Member Job Posting


Apply for HR Director


2024 Mentor-Connect series -May Event